
Showing posts from September, 2024

Alice Fell and Poverty by William Wordsworth

Alice Fell" is a poem by William Wordsworth that tells a touching story about a poor, young orphan girl named Alice. The narrator of the poem is riding in a carriage when he hears the sound of someone crying. He asks the driver to stop the carriage to find out what's wrong. When the carriage stops, the narrator sees a young girl, Alice, walking all alone, crying bitterly. She explains that her cloak—her only piece of warm clothing—had gotten stuck in the carriage wheels earlier, and it had been torn apart. Now, she has nothing to protect her from the cold. This makes her very sad because the cloak was the only thing she had to keep warm, and without it, she feels even more vulnerable. The narrator feels sorry for Alice. Seeing her distress, he decides to buy her a new cloak to replace the one she lost. The poem ends with Alice feeling better, as her sadness is eased by the narrator's act of kindness. In simple terms, "Alice Fell" is a story about a poor, lonely g

Adverb and excersie BA English

Adverb It is a word which qualifies a noun.  How? When? Where? Adverbs are often formed by adding -ly at the end of the word.  Some exceptions are everywhere, nowhere, and Upstairs are few example. Well, now, is adverb Excercise   1 The Driver stopped the bus _________.  a) Financially  b) Exactly c) Abruptly d) Now 2. During autumn colourful leaves can be seen falling _________ from trees.  A) Everywhere B) Very C) Gently d) Loudly 3. My Grandmother always smiled _________ A) Cheerfully b) Sadly c) Never d) Yesterday 4. After the party confetti was strewn __________ A) Blandly b) Everywhere c) Later d) Carefully  5. It's time to go ___________. A) Before b) Now c) Yesterday d) Lightly. Choose the best answer  1. You play Guitar very _______ a) good b) well c) nice  d) goodly 2. I _______ go to bed at 10' o Clock. a) once b) ever c) usually  3. __________, I don't think this is a good idea. a) tomorrow b) carefully c) Exceptionally d) Personally.  4. She will plant he

Pronoun Excercise for BA students

Pronoun Exercises Demonstrative Pronoun Exercises 1 . I really like watching old shows. _________ are some of the best things on TV. Those That This These Answer: Those  2. Please hand me __________ . those that this these Answer : that 3. __________ is some of the nicest weather we’ve had lately. Those That This These Answer : This  Indefinite Pronoun Exercises  something, everyone, anywhere 1. After the parade, __________ met up in the town square. something everyone anywhere Answer: everyone  2. Would you like __________ to drink. something everyone anywhere Answer : Something  3. I searched all over, but couldn’t find my notes __________ . something everyone anywhere Answer: Anywhere Interrogative Pronoun Exercises Select an  interrogative pronoun  to fill the blank in each sentence. 1. __________ flavor do you prefer? Whom Which Who Answer: Which  2. I heard someone at the door but wasn’t sure __________ it was. what which whom