Character of Desdemona in Shakespeare for BA students
Character of Desdemona in Shakespeare Desdemona, is the beautiful heroine of the play Othello. She is the embodiment of virtue, purity and gentleness. She is a perfect woman without any faults. She wins the heart of people. Brabantio is the father of Desdemona. He describes his daughter as a girl who was never timid, quiet or forward. Desdemona falls in love with the Black Moor, Othello. She got admired by his heroism and his story of sufferings. Her love for Othello was deep. She is frank and straightforward to speak to her father about her love. Her love and devotion to her husband knows no bounds. Her love does not alter at any situation. Even when Othello accuses her for adultery calling her a whore or strangles her, her love for Othello is constant. Desdemona’s sufferings and death tends us to consider the most sympathetic and sweetest wom...