Intonation Essay for BA students
Intonation Intonation means using a tone while speaking. The use of proper tone is important in our day – to – day communication. If a proper tone is not used the listener may misunderstand us. The two important tones are Falling Tone and Rising Tone . Falling tone is marked by down arrow and Rising tone is marked by up arrow as seen in the diagram. Intonation Patterns 1 .Falling tones are used in ordinary statements Eg . Kamala is a dancer. My Brother is a lawyer. Sona is a pretty girl. Our college starts at 10. Mala is a singer. 2 . Wh-questions ( who, when, where, how, etc ) are falling tone. Eg . What are you doing? When will the school start? Who is your class teacher? What is your name? When are you going to London? 3 . Commands are uttered with a falling tone. Eg . Shoot a sight. Do not bear False witness. Follow me. Be mute. 4. Exclamation are spoken with a falling tone: Eg . What a lovely scene! Alas! O Lor...