Adverb and excersie BA English

It is a word which qualifies a noun. 
Adverbs are often formed by adding -ly at the end of the word. 
Some exceptions are everywhere, nowhere, and Upstairs are few example.
Well, now, is adverb
1 The Driver stopped the bus _________. 
a) Financially  b) Exactly c) Abruptly d) Now

2. During autumn colourful leaves can be seen falling _________ from trees. 
A) Everywhere B) Very C) Gently d) Loudly

3. My Grandmother always smiled _________
A) Cheerfully b) Sadly c) Never d) Yesterday

4. After the party confetti was strewn __________
A) Blandly b) Everywhere c) Later d) Carefully 

5. It's time to go ___________.
A) Before b) Now c) Yesterday d) Lightly.

Choose the best answer 
1. You play Guitar very _______
a) good b) well c) nice  d) goodly

2. I _______ go to bed at 10' o Clock.
a) once b) ever c) usually 

3. __________, I don't think this is a good idea.
a) tomorrow b) carefully c) Exceptionally d) Personally. 

4. She will plant her garden _________
a) Here b) There c) Nearby 

5. I feel _______ about ruining your birthday. 
a) Badly b) Bad c)Sadly 

Construct Adverb out of adjectives 
1. quiet - quietly 
2. wild - wildly
3. Whole - wholly
4. Funny - funnily 
5. Good - well

Turn the underlined adjective into adverb
1. Your English is perfect. You speak English _________.
Answer: perfectly 

2. Iam so healthy because I eat ________. 
Answer : well

3. Bob is a friendly   boy. He greets everybody in a __________.
Answer: Friendly 

4. My dad is an early bird, he gets up everyday _________. 
Answer: early 

5. One question in the test was difficult, I could only answer it ________.
Answer : difficulty 

Choose the correct comparative form
1.The little girl can shout __________ (loudly) than her big brother. 
Answer: More Loudly

2. She works______ (well) than her colleagues.
Answer : better 

3. In this picture, you are the one that smiles ________ (happily).
Answer: The most happily

4. I cook (badly) than he does.
Answer : worse 

5. After ten years he loved his wife even (much) than at the beginning of their relationship.
Answer : more


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