Are You Ready to learn with me for SET, NET and TRB. English Literature

Canterbury Tales 

Question 1:
Who wrote "The Canterbury Tales"?
Geoffrey Chaucer.

Question 2:
What is the primary setting for the storytelling in "The Canterbury Tales"?

The storytelling takes place during a pilgrimage to the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket in Canterbury.

Question 3:
How many pilgrims, including Chaucer himself, are making the journey to Canterbury?

There are 30 pilgrims, including Chaucer.

Question 4:

Which tale is told by the character who is described as having a "gap-toothed" smile?

"The Wife of Bath's Tale."

Question 5:
What is the main theme of "The Pardoner's Tale"?

The main theme is the corrupting power of greed.

Question 6:
What prize is promised to the pilgrim who tells the best tale?

A free meal at the Tabard Inn upon their return.

Question 7:
Which character is known for their love of hunting and fine clothes, defying typical monastic expectations?

The Monk.

Question 8:
In "The Miller's Tale," what is the name of the carpenter's young wife?


Question 9:
Who is the Host of the pilgrimage, who proposes the storytelling contest?

Harry Bailey.

Question 10:
What literary form is "The Canterbury Tales" primarily composed of?

It is primarily composed of narrative verse.

Question 11:

Which tale features a knight named Arveragus and his wife Dorigen
"The Franklin's Tale."

Question 12:
In "The Nun's Priest's Tale," what is the name of the rooster who has a dream about being captured by a fox?


Question 13:
What does the Prioress's brooch say?

"Amor vincit omnia," which means "Love conquers all."

Question 14:
Which pilgrim tells a story about three drunken men who set out to kill Death?

The Pardoner.

Question 15:

In "The Knight's Tale," who are the two main characters who fall in love with Emily

Palamon and Arcite.

Question 16:
What is the central moral of "The Clerk's Tale"?

The virtue of patience and humility.

Question 17:
Which pilgrim is described as having a "face on which a fire has left its mark"?

The Summoner.

Question 18:
Who interrupts "The Monk's Tale" and why?

The Knight interrupts because he finds the series of tragic stories too depressing.

Question 19:
Which pilgrim is a student from Oxford who prefers books to wealth?

The Clerk (or the Scholar).

Question 20:
In "The Reeve's Tale," what are the names of the two students who seek revenge on the miller?
John and Alan.


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