Spring poem by Hopkins essay

Spring poem by Hopkins essay 
Gerard Manley Hopkins, a great poet, beautifully describes the magic of spring in his poem. He brings nature to life with his words, showing us its amazing qualities. Inspired by the liveliness and renewal that spring brings, let's explore Hopkins' deep love for this season.

Hopkins' poem "Spring" is a joyful celebration of nature waking up. He uses simple words to create pictures in our minds. He invites us to experience the sights, sounds, and smells of spring through his words, making us feel the happiness and newness it brings.

The poem begins with Hopkins saying that "Nothing is as beautiful as spring." This sets the tone for the poem, which is all about the sheer beauty and wonder of this season.

Hopkins carefully chooses words to make the poem feel lively. He talks about "weeds in wheels" and "shoots of shore," showing the energy and excitement of spring. He also uses rhyming words to make the poem sound like music, making us pay attention and imagine his world.

Throughout the poem, Hopkins focuses on the small details of nature. He talks about the pretty flowers on the hawthorn, the colorful feathers of the kingfisher, and the gentle sound of a stream. Each line shows us a different part of spring's beauty and reminds us to appreciate its short time with us.

But Hopkins also knows that spring doesn't last forever. He understands that even the most beautiful parts of this season eventually change and fade. He wants us to remember to live in the present and find peace in the ever-changing world.

In "Spring," Hopkins finds meaning in nature's patterns. He believes they reflect a divine order and a higher power. He encourages us to find comfort and connection in the harmony of spring.

In conclusion, Gerard Manley Hopkins' poem "Spring" is a tribute to his talent as a poet and his deep connection with nature. His words take us to a world where spring's beauty is celebrated. He wants us to enjoy the awakening of nature, enjoy its colors and smells, and find happiness in the cycle of life. Hopkins' timeless poem captures the true essence of spring in a way that everyone can understand and appreciate.


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