How to Win by Shiv Kera

                            How to Win?
                                         - Shiv Kera
Shiv Kera is one of the famous motivational speaker and he energize the audience by delivering matters in simplified manner. In his prose piece " How to Win? " Kera motivates the readers to build positive self-esteem. 

Self-esteem is the way we feel about ourselves. The author volunteered to teach attitude and self-esteem programmes for his jail friends. The  behavioural changes in a person will showcase the process of learning. 

The narrator asked the first jail inmate about the effect of motivational programme. The jail mate replied that he read Bible, and further claimed that he was going to try to be a contributing member of the society. The narrator asked him to get rid of the word "try". 

Another jail mate approached Shiv and asked "what do you get paid to do all this". The narrator's purpose was not money. He has come there for his own selfish reason. He desires to change this world a better place to live. He stresses the fact that this kind of selfishness is healthy.

Some people are lacking consideration for others and they are focusing on one's self. " It is my life, I will do what I want"; this kind of attitude will damage mankind. These kind of people are selfish in nature. Selfishness will lead them to live a isolated life. 

Khera motivates people to be connected. People should realise the fact that we are sharing the same plane and we must behave accordingly. 

Khera talks about two kinds of people :
Takers eat well and Givers sleep well. Givers have a high positive self-esteem. They are the person who serve the society. As human being each individual has to receive and take. 

Thus in " How to Win?", Khera talks about the importance of having a positive attitude to conquer the barriers on the road to success. 


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