Lamb essay by William Blake

                              The Lamb
                                        - William Blake
Lamb is a poem written by William Blake in the year 1789. He is a visionary poet. This poem has both pastoral and religious elements. The title of the poem "Lamb" refers to Jesus Christ. He is called as the Lamb of God - Gospel of John 1:29. This poem is a hymn to God sung in praise of God's grandeur. 

In the first stanza of the poem the speaker is a child. The child questions the lamb about the mystery concealed behind it's creation. The speaker probes about the divine soul, who is responsible for its (lamb) acquired knowledge of grazing and the tender voice which has the power to bring delight and happiness. It's woolen clothing adds natural beauty to the lamb. 

In the second stanza the speaker answers the questions putforth by the child. Lamb symbolizes innocence. Jesus Christ is called as the Lamb of God. He is gentle, meek, and mild as a lamb. He is the son of God. 

The poem presents a vivid pastoral picture of the country side environment.  The theme is the grandeur of Jesus Christ. 'He became a child', for the people on earth and sacrificed Himself for all mankind.


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