summary of The Arrow of God by Chinua Achebe


The Arrow of God

                     - Chinua Achebe

The phrase Arrow of God is taken from Igbo proverb which represents the will of God. Arrow refers to Ezeulu, the chief priest in this novel and the bow refers to God Ulu, who is the deity for six villages.

The chief priest Ezeulu names the day for the feast of the Pumpkin leaves or for the New Yam feast. If the priest fails to name the day there would be no festival, no planting and reaping. Ezeulu with his large family, lives in a huge compound. His two living wives Matefi and Ugoye cook for him by turns. He rules over in his compound. He regards his eldest son Edogo, a carver, as weak and spineless. His other son Obika, the most handsome young man in Umuaro is given to excessive drinking and often lands in trouble.

Ezeulu has sent his third son Oduche to the missionary school in Okperi. He learns the way and wisdom of the white man. His youngest son Nwafo is his favourite, as is Nwafo’s mother Ugoye. Ezeulu aspires Nwafo to inherit the chief priest position after his death.

Ezeulu announces the new moon day as the New Yam Feast. He takes his Ofo staff in front of the shrine. He wishes his household remains prosperous and healthy. He is harsh with Oduche getting closer to Christian missionary. He is happy about his son Obika who has seen Eru (the God of riches). Ezeulu is confident that Obika will become wealthy as destined by God.

Ezeulu feel worried about the advent of British Colonial Administrators Christian missionaries in the region of Umuaro. Umuaro waged a war with Okperi over a fellow farmland. Captain Winterbottom allotted the farmland to Okperi. He found Ezeulu to be the only truthful person in Umuaro. As a token of friendship, he had asked Ezeulu to send one of his children to Christian missionary school at Okperi.

Nwaka, a prosperous man tried to change the people of Umuaro to go to war. He accused Ezeulu of being affected by his mother’s madness. But the war with Okperi proved the wisdom of the chief priest, which Nwaka finds hard. The Christian missionaries set up a church near Ezeulu’s compound. This worries the chief priest.

John Good incites Oduche to kill the python in Umuaro. People of Umuaro considered python to be a sacred animal. But for Christian snake deceived Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. Oduche captures the python and puts in the box.

Ezeulu is shocked to hear that his son Obika was whipped by Wright. Tony Clarke becomes furious towards the fetish priest. Winterbottom is seriously ill at the hospital. Ezeulu is treated well in the prison. Nwodika and his wife take care of the chief priest by providing food.

Tony Clarke offers Ezeulu warrant chief posting which he refuses. He is put in the prison for 32 days and he refuses to see the new moon day. He refuses to announce. Famine condition prevail in Umuaro and the Yam crop suffers. The village elders request him to eat the two yams. Ezeulu remains adamant. As a result people alienates him. His friend Akuelwe realizes the fact that the priest has chosen the destructive path.

The Christian missionary help the people. They bring their yam to the church and pay thanks to the almighty God. Ezeulu is devasted by his fall and he comes to no about his son Obika’s death. Thus, Ezeulu is the tragic hero in the play The Arrow of God. His downfall is caused due to his arrogance and pride.






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