
Summary of the novel The Skin of a Lion by Michael Ondaatje.

  Summary of the novel The Skin of a Lion - Michael Ondaatje. The Skin of a Lion is a novel written by the Canadian – Sri Lankan writer, Michael Ondaatje. This novel was published in the year 1987 by McClelland and Stewart. Patrick Lewis is the protagonist of this novel. The story revolves around the hometown of Patrick, Toronto, Canada in the 1920s. This novel explores the lives of the immigrants in the city of Toronto. Patrick lives along with his father at Deep Creek, Canada. His father Hazen is a dynamiter and does various jobs in the farm. Patrick is a keen onlooker of nature and a listener. He watches the hard labor of loggers and hears to the flapping sound of the bugs during his childhood stage. Patrick observes his father’s job from a distance, like a kid. He acquires the skill of his father succeeding through his child – like learning. In the chapter The Bridge , a building work is carried out at the center of the city, Toronto. One night a group of nuns enter this

Intonation Essay for BA students

Intonation Intonation means using a tone while speaking. The use of proper tone is important in our day – to – day communication. If a proper tone is not used the listener may misunderstand us. The two important tones are Falling Tone and Rising Tone . Falling tone is marked by down arrow and Rising tone is marked by up arrow as seen in the diagram. Intonation Patterns 1 .Falling tones are used in ordinary statements Eg . Kamala is a dancer. My Brother is a lawyer. Sona is a pretty girl. Our college starts at 10. Mala is a singer. 2 . Wh-questions ( who, when, where, how, etc ) are falling tone. Eg . What are you doing? When will the school start? Who is your class teacher? What is your name? When are you going to London? 3 . Commands are uttered with a falling tone. Eg . Shoot a sight. Do not bear False witness. Follow me. Be mute. 4. Exclamation are spoken with a falling tone: Eg . What a lovely scene! Alas! O Lor

Essay for Keats Ode to the Nightingale for BA students

 “Ode to a Nightingale” Summary John Keats is one of the most famous romantic poet who dominated the 18thc literature. His poem “Ode to the Nightingale” was written in the year 1819. This poem explores the theme of death-wish of the poet. It describes the inner emotional world of the poet along with natural world. Keats’s odes, is an extraordinary example of spontaneous formal writing.  The poet feels tired and numb at heart. He feels unconscious like a man who has drunk Hemlock or opiate or sunk into the river of Lethe. The poet is delighted to hear the voice of the  Nightingale which is singing freely and joyfully. He identifies the bird with Dryad, the Greek Goddess of the tree. He contrasts the mortality and suffering of human being with the immortality and perfect happiness of the nightingale.  Keats desires to “ squeeze every last drop” of wine and travel to the happiest land of Nightingale. He  realises that world is a place of uncontrollable movements of illness, st

Summary for Strange Meeting by Wilfred Owen for BA English

  Summary for Strange Meeting by Wilfred Owen Strange Meeting is a poem written by the British poet,  Wilfred Owen . The poem was written in the year 1918 and published in 1919 after Owen's death. This poem was written during the time of World war I.   In this Owen decries the horrors of war and its futility. In this poem the speaker is a solider who dies in war and enters the Hell. This poem is considered as one of “Owens Complex War Poem”. In the first stanza of the poem the poet has escaped war and has plunged into a deep tunnel. Being killed in the war he is driven to the underworld. The poet is shocked to see many soldiers groaning and sleeping in hell. Among these soldiers the poet meets a “strange friend”. The strange man raises “with a thousand fears that visions face was grained”. The poet tells the strange friend about their escape from war, bloodshed and gunshot as they are in the hell. But the stranger is not ready to agree with the poet. The stranger narrates hi

Character of Iago in Shakespeare for BA Students

                          Character of Iago in Shakespeare Iago is one among the greatest creation of Shakespeare. His role as villain in Othello has created great impact on readers. He is a man of genius, devilish and cunning. He is good in planning and executing. His hatredness towards Othello is expressed in the opening scene. ·          Othello has appointed Cassio as Lieutenant. ·          Ignored the claims of Iago. Iago reveals that he hates the Moor. He is a man of suspicion. He suspects the Moor with his wife Emilia. He believes that Cassio has slept with his wife, “For I fear Cassio with my night cap-too”. He has a personal conflict with Desdemona. He considered her as a weapon to destroy Othello.             Iago was by nature a devil. Shakespeare portrays him as a monstrous villain. He is no doubt a monstrous villain. He imagines himself as a superior being. He underestimates Othello and Cassio. He hates Desdemona because she loves the Moor.             Hypocris

Character of Othello in Shakespeare for BA students

  Character of Othello in Shakespeare Othello is one among the great heroes in Shakespearean drama. He is a black Moor, thick lipped man. He is the most romantic figures among Shakespearean heroes. He is the greatest poet of all the heroes of Shakespeare’s tragedies. He is a man who has experienced countless dangers, hardship and struggle. He is a courageous man and is proud of his services. His life is filled with adventure and love. Othello’s love for Desdemona is deep. His love for Desdemona is constant and noble. He has a great admiration for Desdemona. She is one in whom he has “garnered up his heart”. He is one of the great lovers in the literature of the world, the greatest lover in Shakespeare.   The beauty of Desdemona enchants and ravishes him. When he stabs her with words, he burst out into tears and asks her to go away, “O Desdemona away! away! away! He believes that she has betrayed him and murders her in the bed. Othello has deep love for Desdemona. He lacks insight

Character of Desdemona in Shakespeare for BA students

                                       Character of Desdemona in Shakespeare Desdemona, is the beautiful heroine of the play Othello. She is the embodiment of virtue, purity and gentleness. She is a perfect woman without any faults. She wins the heart of people. Brabantio is the father of Desdemona. He describes his daughter as a girl who was never timid, quiet or forward. Desdemona falls in love with the Black Moor, Othello. She got admired by his heroism and his story of sufferings. Her love for Othello was deep. She is frank and straightforward to speak to her father about her love. Her love and devotion to her husband knows no bounds. Her love does not alter at any situation. Even when Othello accuses her for adultery calling her a whore or strangles her, her love for Othello is constant. Desdemona’s sufferings and death tends us to consider the most sympathetic and sweetest women character. In her married life she remains more submissive and sweeter. Her character has the qu